Monday, November 26, 2012

Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa

In connection with some training in South Africa, we were able to visit Pilanesburg National Park.  We thought we had already seen enough African animals to satisfy, but this experience was incredible!
Right at the beginning of our first trip a leopard was spotted!  Bruce got a shot with our new camera just before it wandered too far away!  Shortly after that we realized our new camera's battery had not been sufficiently charged so we had to make do with our regular Kodak with nothing in the way of a telephoto lens. 

No telephoto lens needed for this elephant who crossed the road right in front of the jeep.  I thought he was smiling, Bruce said he was probably thinking about picking up his paycheck on the other side.

Zebra's were everywhere in large herds.

I can't remember the name of the animal on top of the rock.  You can just make out the rectangular shape on top. 

If you look closely, you can see the Servil between the bushes.  Our guide said it was very unusual to see one as they blend so well with the surroundings.  It was a little easier to see in real life as it was moving.

Beautiful sunset over the savannah....kind of reminded me of home.

We kept spotting things even after dark.  This chameleon was just a light spot in the tree....he was one of our guides favorite things to see and show.
Morning again!  Balloon riding over the park.

After all the big and exciting animals, my favorites are still the guinea hens!

Lots of blue wildebeest around.

Why did the warthog cross the road?  Were there really paychecks on the other side?

Tortoise in the road had to be rescued...guess they like the warmth of the pavement.

Our first good sighting of a Rhino family.

Loved the giraffe!


  1.! Hope you all are doing well, keep up the good work. (I realize I'm a bit behind, but had to comment on this trip, you lucky ducks.)

  2. hi grandma and grandpa I miss you and I like the zebras and the giraffe the best
